It is almost time to pick up an IS lens, the question is, which? I will be using a 2x teleconverter with them as well. I want them both ideally, but only can get one this summer. In my mind, I have them as my bird/animal lenses, just because I won't have any other zooms. But maybe these aren't for that.
I shoot 80% outdoors, western USA, with the occasional outdoor portrait and concert stuff. I never do studio work and don't plan on it, nor do I really use a flash (yet, til I pick up at 550ex). I really want to get some images of birds and animals, but my little Tamrom 28-300 just isn't too great.
I would like to hear peoples opinions please, especially from people who own either of the lenses.
70-200 2.8L USM IS
- One of the most highly rated Canon lenses of this class
- 2.8f is really awesome
- with the 2x, can still AF on the center point
- 400mm max, not nearly enough for birds, animals
- Cost ++++++
100-400 3.5-5.6L USM IS
- Same L glass
- Double the reach on the zoom
- Manual focus only with the 2x
- Push/pull zoom
- 3.5-5.6 becomes a 7-11.2 with the 2x. Is 11.2 even usable at 800mm?