As some of you may have noticed I was in San Jose this past week for business. I stopped in to have dinner with John and Loren (racingpinarello) and man was that baked potato good!!!! I also had the pleasure of meeting Loren's girlfriend.
Anyway. I brought my digital point and shoot and took a photo about 8AM one morning because the clouds were so interesting. I saw the palm trees and thought, "what the heck, silhouette". So I took about four different ones. It was hard to find a grouping that was interesting and balanced. Usually, even numbers don't work as well as odd numbers but I think this one turned out just fine.
Now, when I took the shot I admit I didn't envision it the way the final image is shown here. My vision was just a super simple silhouette with an interesting sky. With a little work in Photoshop I transformed my vision to something I think is better and more interesting.
So next time you see that shot and think "Ahh, it'll never turn out", take the photo anyway because you might get creative afterwards.
This is the FIRST time I've ever posted a photo where I've done this kind of major editing to. And to be honest I hope to be doing more of it in the future.
Cheers everyone!