I had a chance to go down to Buffalo this past weekend for a gathering of urban explorers and had an absolute blast down in the city. Some of the famous places I got to see were the Richardson Complex at the Buffalo Psychiatric Hospital (only from the outside since it was broad daylight and state police were crawling over the campus), and the Buffalo Central Terminal, the Diocesan Educational Campus, and the Buffalo Memorial Auditorium or simply "The Aud" Anyways enough with the talk, on with the photos!
Richardson Complex
Complete Photoset
Buffalo Central Terminal -- Make sure to ask permission before going in this place.
Complete Photoset
The Aud
Complete Photoset
Diocesan Educational Campus
Complete Photoset
There were a couple other locations I visited during my weekend you can view the collection here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/axle814...7601119908959/