I know this has been beaten into the ground, but recent posts and events got me thinking about it again.
Recently I took a pics at my sister-in-laws 40th birthday. To have fun I did blurry shots, with and without flash tecniques etc. Strangely, my arty friends REALLY liked these shots! To them this was arty and creative. I was even told by a friend who's a photography teacher that I'm throwing my "best stuff away."
Now, I don't get it!!! Please help? The best I can figure is that I have a technical background. For every shot I did, I can come up with a million variations. Whereas, my non-technical (OK arty) friends don't "see" it like this. IOW, I think I'm having fun with technology and they think it's being creative, breaking the rules, or thinking outside the box etc; or just plain being arty. Partially, I think I'm visualizing these effects based on my techno knowledge and they see it as serendipitous, new. Thus, creative. Am I right?
Please give me your thoughts and comments,
You can see for miles standing on the shoulders of giants.