It's fogging up my lens! Unfortunately, I have to go from AC to Humidity constantly since I shoot luxury homes and the humidity is drving me insane. It's 104 today with really high humidity and I have to shoot an exterior from the top of a ladder - oh joy, this should be so much fun - NOT! Damned house is up on a hill with too many obstacles so it's the only way.What's a girl to do?! Well, hopefull I won't pass out from heat and fall off the ladder and konk my head today!
So, what's a good idea to beat fogging lenses? I tried letting it sit outside for a few minutes but it takes a lot longer than a few minutes to defog - so shooting is taking me forever! Not to mention i'm sweating all over the camera while shooting because at that point i'm melting! lol Wondering if my defogger for my diving mask would work.