I love the Phantom...it has always been one of my favorite planes. My dad served in Vietnam and told stories of those planes saving their butts on more than one occasion.
Are the planes in the second pic P-51's?
Hell, there are no rules here-- we're trying to accomplish something.
Thomas A. Edison
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
Thomas A. Edison
Phantoms forever! Those guys dropped thousand pound bombs so close you could read the stenciling on the bomb case as it went over!
P-51 the best all around fighter in WWII,hands down.
Whoops, are my Marine Corps colors showing,sorry, I get carried away
Steve B.
Great pics of the F4, my all time favorite bird, could dish out a lot of punishment and could take a lot also. The f-105 Thunderchief(Lead Sled) could also take a lot of damage. The markings on the tail make me think that this F4 was Navy or Marine. do you know?
The F4 with the two seater makes me think that it was a "Wild Weasel" a highly electronic version of the F4. I used to pull guard duty on the f-105 and the f-100 Super Sabre a lot.
The F-4 is out of Holloman AFB. It is a target drone that will get destroyed. It is painted from the Vietnam era for Heritage flights. There were two parked side by side at Reno this year. I have in flight pics also, but have not processed the RAW files yet.
This is the F-4 that was at Oshkosh this year, also from Holloman, and it also will get destroyed.
It's a shame that such great birds such as those has to be a target drone instead in a museusm somewhere. We Americans love to destroy instead of preserve and protect, wonder why that is?