Decided to take my 3 very different cameras on a spring-like trek around the city and came away with images that aren't really exciting, but I wanted to show some interesting results. Speed's post, with his K1000, bolstered my convictions that the latest-greatest in film and digital gear does NOT automatically mean better images.
#1 - "Give" - taken with the mechanical, MF, CW metering Leica M6, 90/2.8, Delta 100
#2 - "Artist" - AF, CW metered Contax G2, 45/2, Provia 100F
#3 - "Love Lost" - Nikon D100, spot-metered, 80-200/2.8 at 200mm(balloon was on ceiling of shopping mall atrium).
The exposure and sharpness of all 3 images were pretty good, I think, and achieved with a combination of relying on meter(D100), knowing what/where to meter(M6, G2), and getting lucky with the MF(old eyes, :->). Thanks for viewing.