Well it's taken me long enough to get here, and some on the forum have quadruple the amount of posts I've made (they just like to talk too much, that's all), but for me it's a landmark. A lot of what I've learned about photography has come from THIS site. So first of all I want to thank EVERYONE who has provided me with input on my photography. You guys don't know how much of an impact you have made in my skills.
I started shooting pictures not more than 3 years ago, and in that amount of time I feel I've made quite a bit of progress (though still much too learn!). And so many of you share a part in that progress, so again I say THANK YOU!! One knows he has made progress when people are willing to pay for his photography, and although I have yet to seriously push my work I have indeed made some money from it here and there. Not only have you folks helped my skills, but you have been a great encouragement as well. Keep up the good work PR people!
And thank you John for a THE BEST photography site there is.
Here is a photo I found from way back in 2004. It's been one of my favorites and I thought I should commemorate the event with it. Shot with the Nikon CoolPix 5000. How many of you remember this one?