Drove 560 miles to the Fish Springs bird refuge yesterday and shot the 100-400 L IS exclusively. I like it alot, anything I don't like isn't the lenses fault, it delivers 100% of what it promises. I love the lens, and the next thing I buy will be the 70-200 2.8 IS.
at 400mm, the images aren't razor sharp. Some are better than others, but until I can afford a 600mm prime, I can't really get much better than this lens, so oh well. The IS works like a charm. AF works pretty good too, except when I focus on the wrong area. Alot of shots were junked because the subject wasn't in focus. I don't manual focus very much, but maybe I'd get more focused shots if I did.
The refuge was pretty nice, in september they say there will be a few thousand birds there, so it should be exciting. I wanted to get a few of the Great Blue Herons that were there, but never could get close enough.
The Snowy Egret
A pair of image stabilized Snowy Egrets =D
A desert fox... found a den, but didn't stick around. Forgot to get the GPS coords too =(
A Coyote on a Bird Refuge. It's like a buffet for him.
Just a duck with a nice reflection and wake.