I have this Sears branded lens I picked up on eBay last year. It's a 135mm 2.8 with a macro feature that can be off or on in varying degrees. The macro feature doesn't impress me, it adds an odd glow that apparently some like but not me so far. I got it because I wanted a fast-ish lens of that length and for $40 it seemed the risk wasn't too high. It was a Ricoh mount from the 1980's which is a slight variation of the Pentax K mount. I had to do some minor surgery (removing the "Ricoh pin" - a 10 minute job) to safely put it on my K-5 without risking it getting stuck. It's manual focus but auto-aperture so I can shoot in Av mode.
Last weekend my lovely wife told me she wants a new profile pic for Facebook and asks if we can do a little shoot for it. Always game for some shooting, especially if it's of a beautiful woman, I quickly agreed.
We set up in a room with a big translucent blind that would be the primary light source. In late morning it's like a giant softbox. Then on the opposite side I set up my Sigma flash at 1/8 in an umbrella high to the right for some hair highlights and fill on that side. We got several photos I really liked but I think this one may be my favorite. This is shot wide open for a shallow DOF. What I like about this lens is it's sharp enough without being razor sharp like my "real" macro lens. It seems just right for a portrait and I hope to do some more with it.
I did a little bit of skin smoothing under her eyes and a little sharpening on her eyes and that's about it for retouching. She doesn't need much for being 41! I just thought I'd share because I liked the outcome and because I wanted to point out you don't always have to use expensive optics to get a decent photo.
Anyone else got a bargain bin lens they really like?
IMGP3703 by MattB.net, on Flickr