Photography Studio and Lighting Forum

Hosted by fabulous Florida-based professional fashion photographer, Asylum Steve, this forum is for discussing studio photography and anything related to lighting.
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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Canon 20d Nervousness and Studio Lighting

    Recently I was using my Canon D60 with Fresnal Studio lighting and managed to damage the camera since the PC Sync voltage was too high. I have now purchased a Canon 20d and plan to use it in a studio on standard with some Elinchrom S lights. I know the voltage is now 250v on the 20d but I am still nervous. Do you think it is safe?

    Also I will be using 2 Elinchrome S lights for the portrait work. My memory is failing, do I turn on the modelling lights and use them to set the appropriate shading on my models and then take a flash meter reading?

    Thanks for helping a doddering old man(actually 34)

  2. #2
    A salacious crumb JCPhoto1's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Chicago, Illinois

    Re: Canon 20d Nervousness and Studio Lighting

    Here's a site that has some info on strobe trigger voltages.

    About the metering,you got it right, that the way I would do it. You might have to wear your bi-focals to read the meter. It's not easy being elderly.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    Re: Canon 20d Nervousness and Studio Lighting

    You Canon 20D will be fine, the Sync Voltage of the Elinchrom is 12V so won't be a problem like it is to my 10D.

    Yes you are correct about your lighting and taking a meter reading. Just remember to get the balance between the main and fill and other lights correct to get a good result.

    Doddering old man at 34, you have a long way to catch up to me, sonny.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Re: Canon 20d Nervousness and Studio Lighting

    Thanks Guys, I will let you know how it goes.

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