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  1. #1
    Junior Member Shelbym's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Question Tips on shooting at a semifinal & Canon 7D?

    I hope I'm posting this in the right place.
    So Ill be covering a semi final soccer game tomorrow at 7PM. I just brought myself the Canon 7D and I have the canon rebel XS. The lens Ill be using is EF 75 - 300MM F/4-5.6 telephoto zoom. Got the body now i just gotta work on glass. But anways I've never shot in a stadium of any sort really. Any tips on using the canon 7d? I've been reading the manual & watching things online. Tips on shooting at a semifinal and on using the canon 7d at a night game would be much appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: Tips on shooting at a semifinal & Canon 7D?

    Hmmmm... It will be tricky with that lens but I think it can work. I shot a few soccer games with a 300mm f/4 with good results at night.

    With that body you can push it to iso 3200 or even higher. I have seen some good results in that iso range.

    Since your lens changes f-stop when you zoom I would just set it to the slowest f-stop 5.6 in manual. This way the f-stop wont change when zooming.

    Then maybe with some luck you can get 1/500th or so shutter speed. If not it will be blurry and youll need to bump the iso.

    Stick with what ever autofocus technique you are use to so that doesn't mess you up. I do suggest to at least use the center point only or the top point if in portrait. The 7d can change points when you rotate it. Not sure on what setting that is..

    So in a well lit stadium
    M - mode
    iso 3200
    f-stop 5.6
    SS 1/500th

    Good luck!

  3. #3
    They call me P-Wac JETA's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Pacific NW

    Re: Tips on shooting at a semifinal & Canon 7D?

    Most of my experience is without flash. Are you going to use flash?

    The lens you have for sure would not be fast enough for the venues I shoot at night. I have to use a constant f/2.8. Last game I shot my iso was at 10,000. I'm not familiar with the 7D so I can't comment on it's iso range or how good it is.

    Lens is going to be a big issue.
    It's not blurry. It's bokeh.

    Canon EOS 1D Mark IV
    Canon EOS 5D Mark II
    Canon EOS 1D Mark III
    Canon 24-70mm EF f/2.8L
    Canon 24-105mm EF f/4L IS
    Canon Zoom Telephoto EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS
    Canon 17-40mm EF f/4L
    Canon 15mm F/2.8 EF Fisheye Lens
    Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro
    Canon 50mm f/1.8
    Canon 600EX-RT Speedlite
    Canon 580EX Speedlite
    Canon EOS Rebel 300D

  4. #4
    They call me P-Wac JETA's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Pacific NW

    Re: Tips on shooting at a semifinal & Canon 7D?

    I used to shoot football at ss 1/250th all the time at night. It's tougher shooting, but still doable. I'm a-ok with a little motion blur.
    It's not blurry. It's bokeh.

    Canon EOS 1D Mark IV
    Canon EOS 5D Mark II
    Canon EOS 1D Mark III
    Canon 24-70mm EF f/2.8L
    Canon 24-105mm EF f/4L IS
    Canon Zoom Telephoto EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS
    Canon 17-40mm EF f/4L
    Canon 15mm F/2.8 EF Fisheye Lens
    Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro
    Canon 50mm f/1.8
    Canon 600EX-RT Speedlite
    Canon 580EX Speedlite
    Canon EOS Rebel 300D

  5. #5
    Junior Member Shelbym's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: Tips on shooting at a semifinal & Canon 7D?

    The photos came out REALLY WELL. I'm very happy with them. Specially tonight s photos. Yesterday i was still playing with the settings at the girls semifinals but at the boys semifinals it was all set and looking good.
    I used 1/200 F5.6 ISO 2500.
    No flash

    Thank you Cozmocha & Jeta I was really worried about the games and I took what ya'll said to the game that night and tonight.

    Last edited by Shelbym; 11-18-2010 at 12:11 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: Tips on shooting at a semifinal & Canon 7D?

    Looks pretty good but I would try boosting the ISO a little more. That camera should be able to handle it!

  7. #7
    They call me P-Wac JETA's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Pacific NW

    Re: Tips on shooting at a semifinal & Canon 7D?

    Glad we could help.

    I agree with Kurt. I'd definitely kick up your iso.

    Keep posting!
    It's not blurry. It's bokeh.

    Canon EOS 1D Mark IV
    Canon EOS 5D Mark II
    Canon EOS 1D Mark III
    Canon 24-70mm EF f/2.8L
    Canon 24-105mm EF f/4L IS
    Canon Zoom Telephoto EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS
    Canon 17-40mm EF f/4L
    Canon 15mm F/2.8 EF Fisheye Lens
    Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro
    Canon 50mm f/1.8
    Canon 600EX-RT Speedlite
    Canon 580EX Speedlite
    Canon EOS Rebel 300D

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