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  1. #26
    Panarus biarmicus Moderator (Sports) SmartWombat's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: Superbikes at Croft

    Will you be there all weekend paul
    Working on Friday unfortunately.
    You got my number? Give me a call on the day.

    Whats it like for photos ?
    Not too good, because it is an F1 circuit there is a lot of high and thick fencing.

    But there are a few good places, some spots with little fencing and workable with 400mm or longer.
    Luffield is good, because there's the Brooklands corner in the distance, then the double right of Luffield 1 & 2, then into Woodcote onto the pits straight.
    Copse would be good for the start if you were high up in the grandstand with a 400 to shoot over the fence. There is a HUGE tarmac run-off so it's got to be a long lens.
    But then it's about 10 minutes walk to Luffield
    Even further round to Abbey, which is only marginally doable. You can almost get to the fence but it leaves poor contrast and blurred chain link.
    There's a spot in the car park by the VIP marquee, after they exit Bridge on the run down to Priory - but they often close it off so the VIPs aren't bothered by the likes of us

    About half an hour from the pits at my walking speed Stowe would be another good spot, but you really need transport to get around the circuit. If you were staying there all day the raised banking is good for shooting down into the corner. But if you want to get back for the podium it's a long trek.

    If the hangar straight bridge is open, and the heliport terminals aren't in use, then you can get down to the inside of Stowe where they usually park an ambulance. High fence but you can get right up to it (or could for the LMS) and to blur out the fence with a long lens wide open.

    If you have accreditation, it's a whole different circuit !
    There is a stand just for press that has a fantastic view down to the start and over the Copse fencing.
    On the outside by Chapel you have a head on view into Maggots/Becketts complex which ought to give a lively snake of riders.
    Inside of Stowe for the knees down into the corner.
    Vale/Club would be good too, because there's no fencing in the way of the press.

    Ah well, if you're up for a trek we can walk the circuit from the outside fanside
    It's only a bit over 3 miles.

    Scroll down to the Sports Forum and post your sports pictures !

  2. #27
    Member wull's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Superbikes at Croft

    Quote Originally Posted by SmartWombat
    workable with 400mm or longer.
    Thats me stuffed then. 300mm is the longest i have got. Will take a trip round them spots with the paddock scooter on friday and see how i get on.

    Thanks Wull

  3. #28
    Panarus biarmicus Moderator (Sports) SmartWombat's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: Superbikes at Croft

    300mm is the longest i have got.
    But what is the crop factor from full frame on your body?
    400mm on a 1DmkII with 1.3 crop factor and it's fine.
    That's what I used for my test shots at Goodwood, I can get that from my 300 plus 1.4x converter.
    So, forgive the rambling, but if your crop is more like 1.6 then I reckon 300mm will do.
    Certainly round Luffield, and from the stands into Copse.

    Will take a trip round them spots with the paddock scooter
    Ah, you have wheels !
    Can I cadge a lift on the back on the weekend please ?
    That would be great to actually be able to get to the spots !
    I will try to get Friday off work.

    Scroll down to the Sports Forum and post your sports pictures !

  4. #29
    Member wull's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Superbikes at Croft

    Quote Originally Posted by SmartWombat
    But what is the crop factor from full frame on your body?.
    No idea mate. Its a D40

    Quote Originally Posted by SmartWombat
    Ah, you have wheels !
    Can I cadge a lift on the back on the weekend please ?
    Im sure we can steal a shot of "BETSIE"

    Quote Originally Posted by SmartWombat
    I will try to get Friday off work.
    Just give me a wee call whenever you get there mate and i will come and meet you. Fri and Sat always better for photos

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