Nicely exposed, sharp.
I feel it may be just behind the action in some shots though.
#5 for example, where the ball is behind them
#7 where I think the tackle has just happened
#4 where I can see the grass flying
#3 where the ball is in the middle of them might be early, as it's not got through to the keeper yet
It's really hard to catch action like this with only one shot.
I see no attached EXIF in the images though so I can't tell much about the settings.
Paul might be right - the timing might be a bit off in these. But only the tiniest, teensiest bit. I would be super happy if I shot these photos. I think they look great. I am also impressed with the sharpness, considering you shot them with a Canon EOS 50D, *not* a camera that I think has the best auto focus. It's very good, but I am surprised that it's this good.
For football, where the action doesn't happen so fast, I think even my old 20D would be capable.
The only reason I upgraded to the 1D bodies was for motorsport, F1 was the excuse
I go back to my 20D shots and if it wasn't for the motorsport, I don't think I would have upgraded for a long time.
For the first few years, I put more money into lenses and that got me better and better results.
Even now if I'm not flying away to photograph a race, or wildlife, and I want bit more reach I'll drag out the 20D and 1.4x and 300mm. It's just too hard to fly out of the UK with 3 bodies and the lenses in hand luggage.
I haven't really shot any sports like this so I can't really judge. The Salt Lake Real soccer stadium is just a mile from my house and one of their marketing staff is a client of Jenni's, so I will eventually go shoot a game and find out. I am prepared to be humiliated by failure
I'm always prepared to fail at something new, or learn from someone else's experience.
I don't need a 7D John.
I think I need an E-P3 or E-PL3 for my lightweight kit.