Very nice! Great timing and excellent framing! Did you have to crop much to get this or did the 70-300mm get you in as tight as you needed? Can you give us some more technical info? The photo looks a bit like it was shot at night. Is that correct? What ISO were you using?
That's a good shot. It seems like it may be a little over sharpened or something that has left some artifacts. But the framing and timing are perfect and the lighting looks good too.
Very nice! Great timing and excellent framing! Did you have to crop much to get this or did the 70-300mm get you in as tight as you needed? Can you give us some more technical info? The photo looks a bit like it was shot at night. Is that correct? What ISO were you using?
Shot was taken in the afternoon . A very thin cloud layer caused the light shadow.
A slight Crop , about a 75 % of image is showing shot at 300mm or 600mm 4/3
ISO 800 f 7.1 Shutter 1250 in S priority
IMO I could have used a little more shutter. I was sitting in my seat and shot hand held.
resting the arms on my knees. A little camera BLURR
I little too fast action and a little camera shake
Yes Over Sharpening due to editing inexperience
I added 1 more taken about 1 hr later. Thicker clouds same settings