One advantage of shooting the Indy 500 is getting to try new Canon gear out or see the results of new gear and last week I got to see the MKIII and it is simply amazing. It has a very large screen and the screen has something many have been asking for in a digital camera, you can watch the screen and see what you are shooting just like a video camera.
The really amazing thing though about this new camera is the noise, Canon has once again taken a huge leap over all the other manufactuers in noise quality with the new sensor that has less noise at ISO 6400 than Nikons best at ISO 400! Now thats amazing!
My only complaint about the new MKIII is that it isn't heavy enough, it is a 1 1/2 lighter than the previous 1D bodies and looks like the 1D with the 20D feel due to it's weight. I prefer the heavier body, for one I am used to it and it feels better to me.
However I may have to see about getting one of these new beasts just for the low light, high ISO capabilities that will eliminate the need for flash in most gyms I shoot at. I spend $1,500 a year just for batteries so that helps offset the $4500 cost of the new body.
Overall I give the new body a 9 and a :thumbsup: