I think I know the reason why with the newly revised system photos are retained in the system. It's so that when you screw up trying to make a post, which is almost inevitable with the new system, you don't have to go through the hassle of uploading the photos from your computer again! I don't think I have made a single post with the new system without having to endure at least one failed attempt, sometimes several. One thing I don't understand is why the heck the uploaded photos appear side-by-side instead of being strung out vertically in a single column. When this happens it's necessary to go through the hassle of rearranging them for final display. Sometimes I lose a photo when I have to go through the rearrangement hassle.
The new system definitely requires some fixes, and I repeat my belief that this forum needs a user's guide with detailed instructions for posting photos. Mr. Moderator, how about an appeal to management for help. Tell 'em the troops are getting restless!