Guys... I need your help with night settings on my current setup below. I was so frustrated because I spent over an hour just trying to get the right setting. Some shots had great lighting, but were blurry. Other shots were crystal clear, but dark. I tried aperture priority, but I couldn't get it. Then I tried shutter speed priority and couldn't get it. I went all manual and because it was my first time using the camera, i couldn't figure it out at all. When i tried the flash, all the setting were screwy. I just gave up, while I watched all the pros taking their pictures. Some with flash, some without.
if you're using on-camera flash, it's not going to be much of a help in football games. That little thing doesn't put out nearly enough light. can i see some of these "blurry but lit" or "dark and sharp" pics? It will help me to diagnose the problem.
I will put them up tonight after I get home from work. I'm a little embarrased to put up crappy pics in this forum, but I need the help.
Thanks, I appreciate it.
Joe some very nice daytime football. You did a great job catching the action good timing on a lot of those. Don't worry about posting shots that your not totally pleased with. If you need help in figuring out what the problem is that's about the only way anyone can make suggestions is if they see the problem images. Keep clicking, you got it going your way.
Don't forget about the Gallery. Are your photos there??
Nikon Samurai #13
"A photographer is known by what he shows not by what he throws. The best photographers have the biggest trash cans." Quote from Nikon School sometime in the early 1970's.
agreed. We're all sports shooters here. We know that generally more than 50% of our photos are tossed. Here's a few of mine that I'm not fond of, just to make you feel a bit more comfortable about posting yours. focus off, dark, I have no clue what I was doing/thinking. w00t.
Great!!! I feel better now because I have a couple exactly like that. Ha! When i get home from work tonight, you will see my frustration.
And thanks to the Old Timer for the compliments. This is something new for me, but I love doing it and it feels so comfortable. If I can find some money in it locally, I may consider a career change. :-) I do photograph toys every week, but its nothing compared to using a real camera and being on the field.
yeah, the blur in the first two is caused by a shutter speed that isn't fast enough. open that lens up, crank the iso, and see what you can do. What i'm guessing is happening for the dark ones is that I'm guessing you have the camera set on Av and the camera is metering for the white uniforms and trying to correct the bright white by underexposing, or you're using Tv and you're choosing a shutter speed that's too fast for the light that's available, and the f stop you have. It's still taking the picture, but exposing for a shorter amount of time than it should, giving you a dark photo.
I'm guessing you have the camera set on Av and the camera is metering for the white uniforms and trying to correct the bright white by underexposing, or you're using Tv and you're choosing a shutter speed that's too fast for the light that's available, and the f stop you have.
You're right on both accounts. I did both those things in these photos. I just couldn't figure out how to set everything at once. I set it to Av and left it at 2.8, but the shutter speed was too slow and then the flash would pop up and the shutter speed would be stuck at 250 or something. Then I set it to Tv and yes you're right, i set it too fast, but I couldn't find a happy medium. I also couldn't find a setting to use continuous shooting, but that may not even be possible at night. I finally set it to M and couldn't figure out how to adjust everything at once, so I gave up.
I saw other Press photographers at the game. Some had flash some didn't. I was dying to go up to them and ask what their settings were, but I feel I should learn on my own and not look like an ass. I'm also not ready to drop anymore money into the camera at the moment. It's still going to be tough just payign for the new gear already. I'm waiting for the credit card bill still. :-)
If you or anyone could just give me some night suggestions, then I will find my happy medium. If you all feel I need a flash, then I'll work on that. I will be shooting indoors this winter, but I think that lighting is better than the dark football field.
yeah, the 1/250 is called the flash sync speed. It's the fastest the shutter can be when the flash is up. A flash like the 420ex can override this speed. Continuous shooting is not available when the flash is up, because it needs time to recycle. If you need flash, invest some money in a 420ex, but see what you can do at ISO 1600 first. Also, play around with M. It took me a while to get it too, because I wasn't very dedicated to figuring it out, but once I did, it helped me photos so much. Spend some time with your camera, and figure out how it works. Most importantly, read the manual. Then reread it.
For flash a 430EX or Sunpak 433D will be better. Personally, if using a non Canon flash the Sunpak 433D can be had cheap ($55 used is what I paid), and gets a lot more flashes per set of batteries than the older Canon models such as the 420 and 430.
The new 580EX does much better on batteries but has functions not available to your camera so it's not worth the $$
The 430EX is a brand new flash. It was just announced in October.
I should get my 580 in less than 2 weeks. I can't wait to see what it can do.
THe 430EX is an old flash... the one I had blow up on me was made 1999... they may have updated it, but it's an old flash. I paid $150 for the 430EX... $55 for the Sunpak 433D with Canon hotshoe. I like the Sunpak, uses less battery, but I only used it in Manual. I can do without all the bells and whitsles on a flash.... Only got the 580EX because I can get 500 to 700 shots out one set of batteries!! Saves me a bundle in batteries... last year $1500 in batteries alone for the flash.