The match started 40 minutes late (visitor's bus got a flat) and perfect shooting conditions.. overcast and no sun, nor rain... midway into the second half the sun broke through and I was shooting right into it for a bit, then it got behind the trees and was nearly dark by the end of overtime on a field without lights. With the overcast sky, I left the 1.4 extender off and just shot 70-200 F2.8 ...
1. She (#2 in white) beats everyone down the field, almost every time.
2. Goalkeeper for the visitor was a sophomore and loved to challenge the forwards, she actually got called for a penalty late in the second half when she took out a rushing forward, then stopped the penalty shot
3. This challenge by the keeper didn't work, and no hand ball called either, whether it was or wasn't, it became a goal
4. I missed the actual kick going into the net but the player leaping the defender scored, notice the goalkeeper in the background with her hands on her head. I don't normally shoot through a soccer net but that's where I ended up at that moment.
5. As I mentioned above.. the sun came out and this was my view