The company I work for was shooting one of the big tournys out in the area yesterday, and it just so happened I got to shoot my bro-in-laws team. I spent 7:30am-6pm in the heat with not shade baking myself saturday, and since I'm crazy I went out for fun and shot his other 2 games Sunday, and one game on Monday.
First two are from Saturday, last 4 are from his games, which they won 1st place in the tourny with 0 goals against
1. What are you lookin at?
2. I finally got ball on head contact
3. Some action
4. Why do all players who head the ball turn away from me!?! This was the first goal of the game
5. Chest trap
6. I got REALLY lucky on this one. Play was down on the other end of the field, and I was busy chimping and suddenly I realize play was on my end and the attacker was about to shoot. Pulled the camera up to the goalie and fired. I missed him punching the ball out, but I finally caught him in mid air