For me it depends on the sport. For soccer with changing conditions I'll shoot in Aperture Priority using center weighted metering. For MTB stuff I usually use manual mode, Aperture Priority w/ center weighted, and when I'm using fill flash I'll be in either manual mode or AP with matrix metering
Depends on the sport, and the light.
Usually I want to control the motion blur while panning and so work in Tv (shutter priority) mode.
Then I have to choose my angle in marginal light conditions to get the subject plane to my camera so most of it is in focus.
If I have to shoot at an angle, say on corner entry, then usually I have to use Av and let the motion blur go where it may just to get enough car in focus to be worthwhile.
Times like that I wish I had a creative mode, set Aperture and Shutter speed and have the camera adjust the ISO. Some cameras can, mine can't.