I finally got a chance to go ride my bike & bring out the pocketwizards for a little shooting after a ride we did. We did our normal route, packed up the car, drove back to a location, pulled the camera gear out, and had a little extra fun. I really haven't had a chance to do any off camera lighting outside of the studio, so it was a neat learning experience. I've had a vision of a photo I've wanted to take for a long time, and had the chance a week or so ago. Of course with my luck the photo I wanted turned out like crap (reshoot!) and a few that I didn't plan on came out great.
Here are a few of my favs from the day.
Sayin a little prayer before the shoot. Well, actually he's just really cold & I'm trying to pick the Fstop I'm gonna use
The boring part of shooting a downhill, ya gotta walk/ride back to the top! And yes, its about that steep
I don't know why, but I just like this photo
We started to get some great light from the sun, turning everything a nice golden color. No flash used on this one
The rest of the photos are here, but I posted (imho) the best ones