I had a 4-day weekend as my employers generously admitted Monday would be useless and let us off. My family events were all on Christmas Eve, and living alone, I had no place to be on Christmas itself.
That means Camera Day for me!
I expected to be shut in by the storms, but most of the weather happened north and west of here. I wasn't in it, but I could see it from here (Rokinon 8mm fisheye):
To the left is south (ish) and the early afternoon sun in a nearly clear sky. Straight ahead is west (ish) and a thunderstorm that passed over yonder that-a-way. Florida proverb: If you don't like the weather, wait a few minutes.
I went up and down the beach and finally found the surfers I expected. I was hoping for some kite boarders, but no luck on that score. All of these were shot with my D7000 and a 70-300 at 300. Exposure was 1/320 shutter-priority, ISO started at 200 but I bumped it up to 400 when I kept seeing "Lo" in the finder.
This guy was using a long board, which was pretty useless, I think; he couldn't turn it into these waves and had to ride them straight in once he stood up. 2 or 3 seconds is all he ever got. But he was festive, so he gets a pic!