Ok, had a hard time figuring out where to put this thread...I want to hear from the sports photographers, so this is where I ultimately decided to put this post.
I have some issues w/ my neck (C-7) and surrounding fascia on my left side of my neck and upper back. I shoot right handed, and never use a neck strap on my camera (D700, f2.8 70-200 lens and a SB-900 flash is the predominant setup). I alway carry my camera in my right hand w/ the grip. When I shoot I use my left hand to steady the camera.
After a friday night football game (haven't used a monopod until this week) I am so stiff and sore on my left side...(feels as if an icepick is jammed in the side of my neck).
My orthopede really sort of dismisses the photography as the problem, but I can't help but wonder if it is because of that one-sided ness on the shooting side of things.
Anyone else battle these type of aches/pains?