Snow in the hills..... Kinda like PT's "Last hurrah!", I finally got out to enjoy what could be the last real powder day of the season. Sadly, it's just been the last month that we finally have had the combo of good base and fresh cold snow... The problem with this time of the year is that if you don't get it quick, it's turns to mush. It was blower Friday through Saturday morning, but by noon, anything down low turned to mush. Up higher though, we knew it would still be good...
So, after enjoying some lift served snow Saturday, we went for a good little tour Sunday. Boy am I out of shape... This was my first tour of the season due to lack of coverage and being lazy... Dragged my friend out for his first time ever on a split board or any "ski like" device... To make it even more enjoyable, he had no baskets on his poles. It was a learning experience for him, to say the least...
Disclaimer on the following photos: I haven't actually processed them yet... ;) I just did a quick batch dump to jpg from the raw to share with the guys I rode with and thought I'd toss a couple up here before I forget. My work monitor seems to blow out all the highlights, so let me know what you see. I expect to need to do a bit of curves to reclaim some highlights...
Enough words... First, the way up.... Second post for photos of "Down and out... "