Talk about a long summer! Here are a few quick shots, I didnt plan on posting any so I will rummage later..
THis first one is by far my favorite! I heard a loud poping sound, figured on a crash, then nothing, he broke his chain, turns out I got it, thats his chain beind him right before it pops him in the helmet lol
Second is my hero 20 yr old Brett, the one armed bandit! Hit in a street wrck by an SUV, he lost his right arm, but it didnt stop him! The crash was almost 3 years ago now and he has been racing for 2!
The 911 is a 16 year old, amazing form and speed for his age!
The last is Michael crashing, I managed to get the whole series too!
Ok, back to scanning the forum to listen to the pro's for advice!