Hello all.
I requested and was granted access to photograph the local high school football team this season. My plan is to sell images via my Zenfolio site (photos, digital downloads etc). I know it’s not the best method to sell images, but I don’t have the resources to sell at the game.
I have insurance (liability) for me and my gear just in case there’s and accident and someone gets hurt; so that’s covered.
I’ve photographed LL games, but I know this is a world different – larger, faster kids more and faster action and bigger kids. With that said, can anyone give me some pointers on what to expect, what to look out for, what pitfall to lookout for and/or avoid etc.? Basically, throw all your advice at me. My ears and eyes are open.
The equipment I will be using is:
1D4 - 300 2.8
1D3 - 70-200 2.8