I thought I'd post a question here I have and one Brian (MtBrian) posted in Toy Camera forum regarding the gallery posts/photos.
My question: I uploaded a few images in both My gallery and Portraits and another in My gallery and Animals, etc. When there were comments made on one of my images in the Portrait gallery, it was also posted in the comment section of the same image in My gallery. However, comments on the other images were only posted in the specific gallery. The only thing I can think of is that the person who commented, did so on both?
Here Brian's question copy/pasted from the Toy Camera Gallery.
I posted my first image in the new galleries.
If I understood the process right, I posted it first in the Critique gallery and also the Landscape and Toy Camera one all at the same time right?
There were three catagories you could select from right? The main one, and then two sub catagories?
So basically, you could put one photo into three catagories with one posting? Right?