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Thread: Classifieds?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Is me making a post here suggesting that the classifieds on this site aren't worth a thing a valuable post? Because that's what I'm saying. There are ads over two years old on the front page of the 35mm stuff. If it's going to sit and rot for two years that pretty much tells me we don't care.

    I have some items I want to sell (a LOT of items I want to sell). Is it agains the rules to make a post in viewfinder for that? Could I post an external link to my list of thigns I'm selling?

  2. #2
    Liz is offline
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    Re: Classifieds?

    Trevor -

    I think your subject is worth pursuing - and is very important IMO. I'm moving it to Site Feedback Forum so it will get more attention.

    I've wondered about this for a while. I too will most likely be selling one or two lenses in the near future. I think your idea about posting a link to your sale merchandise in VF would help bring the classifieds back to life.

    Thanks for posting this.


    Quote Originally Posted by Trevor Ash
    Is me making a post here suggesting that the classifieds on this site aren't worth a thing a valuable post? Because that's what I'm saying. There are ads over two years old on the front page of the 35mm stuff. If it's going to sit and rot for two years that pretty much tells me we don't care.

    I have some items I want to sell (a LOT of items I want to sell). Is it agains the rules to make a post in viewfinder for that? Could I post an external link to my list of thigns I'm selling?

  3. #3
    has-been... another view's Avatar
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    Re: Classifieds?

    Trevor, thanks for bringing that up about the two-year old classifieds. I don't know who's in charge of that, but it doesn't look good for people to see that.

    One thing though - John is adamant about not using Viewfinder as a place to sell equipment. My understanding is that this includes links to other places you're selling equipment too.

    I've sold a ton of stuff lately on ebay and I'm very happy with the results. I've been doing the ebay thing for awhile, and often I'm surprised at what people will pay for used stuff. More than (or almost equal to) the price of new with two items of mine recently (Nikon flash battery pack and remote cable).

  4. #4
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    What Can I Say?

    What can I say? It's hard to compete with ebay when it comes to selling used photo gear. We have the classifieds section because it's an important part of any community site. And the basic ads are free. But I have no illusions about how effective they are. I didn't realize there were ads that old on it, though. I'll see about getting the listings updated. And if anyone has suggestions for improving the classifieds, I'm willing to listen.

    As for posting on other forums, that's a bad road to go down. I don't mind if you post in the classifieds and then post a link to your ad. That will help the the seller and promote the classifieds section. But posting links to competing sites, like ebay, is a no-no. Even if we don't effectively compete with ebay. Again, it's just a bad road to go down.

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  5. #5
    Liz is offline
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    Lightbulb Re: What Can I Say?

    I don't mind if you post in the classifieds and then post a link to your ad. That will help the the seller and promote the classifieds section.

    Perfect! I think this is THE KEY to reminding people that it's there. I for one would love to sell something here - I've tried and never got a reply. However, that was ages ago - year actually. I think people here would sell/buy in a minute from someone they know here. I would.

    Actually about 5 years ago I bought an extender from a doctor that used to post here. It was $25 and it got used enough times to warrant the price. And he posted a few times asking me if it was working. It was a good experience.

    I'm going to sell something, so when the old ads go - I'll post it. Ya all will have to come back to see what it is - it's a secret! Now, won't that draw a crowd!


  6. #6
    Learning more with every "click" mjs1973's Avatar
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    Re: What Can I Say?

    I think this is a great idea. I have gone to the add section several times and I always have had a hard time finding things. I would much rather buy something from someone here. In fact, I have. I bought most of my darkroom set up from Chunk.

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