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The water looks fantastic! I particularly like the striations. I kinda wish you either cropped tighter on the top, or allowed the edge of the dam to show.
mostly Nikon gear
Feel free to edit my images for critique, just let me know what you did.
N8, I was up in the air about the best crop, so here is a bit of the shore. I think this outweighs a tighter crop by holding your eye in the frame better.
Armando, shot this at f29 @ 1sec. I never changed the name from the color version.
Thanks for the comments.
The texture of the water is great. very velvety and soft. nice black and white range here, u hit the blacks and the whites and everything in between very nicely. Though that highlight on top is a bit overblown but nevertheless nice capture. the problem with this photo for me is that it doesn't provide anything else other than that great velvety texture of flowing water, which you've captured excellently .
"There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have." Nelson Mandela