I am a newbe with color calibration. Please be patient with me.
I recently purchased the Spyder3 Studio with both Spyder3 Print and Spider 3 Elite (monitor Calibration). I found the monitor calibration to be easy using the basic settings , I did not dare for now go to the advanced tabs.
My question is: After I calibrate the monitor, do I need to change anything in Photoshop or Illustrator ? Do I need to select this monitor only in the RGB tab of the Color Settings in Photoshop CS3 ??? ANything else I need to do for the monitor as far as the adobe softwares are concerend ?
Now as far as Printer calibration, I ran the Spyder3 Print, and then printed out a 150 patch normal quality proof full of the color sqaures (the basic option in the software) , I then measure every one of the patches with the supplied Spectro and then saved the profile as instructed. Now what ?
From here on, i dont know what to put where in Photoshop CS3 , there are tabs for RGB, CMYK, DOT GAIN, and there are a million options for SWOP , Euroscale etc.....
Where Should I load the printer profle ?
Whatshould be the other setting under color Settings in CS3 ?
I am only interested in CMYK , as I dont print pantone or RGB.
Sorry for the complex question but I really need some help.
Thank you.
F. Rebeiz