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  1. #1
    light wait photophorous's Avatar
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    Lightroom 3 - please help with flickr publishing

    LR and my flickr account are linked-up and I've already published about 100 photos this way. Now I'm trying to re-publish a photo because I don't like how it looks and I decided to tweak it a little. I've done this before too. No problem. The problem is that I accidentally selected everything in my flickr photostream collection (about 100 photos) to re-publish. It shows all of them in the "Modified Photos to Re-publish" window, so if I hit the "Publish" button, it will re-publish every single one of them. How do I get them out of the "Modified Photos to Re-publish" window and back into the "Published Photos" window where they belong. I only want to re-publish one of them.

    I know it's gotta be something simple but I can't figure it out. It's driving me crazy.

    Last edited by photophorous; 07-03-2010 at 10:11 PM.

  2. #2
    drg is offline
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    Re: Lightroom 3 - please help with flickr publishing

    Let me play around and see if I can give you a full answer.

    There's several added features with this that you may not know or have found yet. Such as the Flickr images are 'linked' to the Lightroom 3 images. They can be 'updated' automatically but I'm just getting into setting all this up. I've published a few hundred Flickr images for a special set of work and noticed some things going on I hadn't planned on too!

    You can drag most items between panels(windows) in LR.

    Give me a couple of hours to play around and go through a couple resources in a bit more detail this p.m.

    I'll post something!!
    CDPrice 'drg'
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  3. #3
    drg is offline
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    Re: Lightroom 3 - please help with flickr publishing

    I worked through a few scenarios where images got marked to re-publish including those marked by right-clicking (Windows) and pulling up the menu at bottom of this post that was used to select the re-publish option.

    Clicking Undo from the top level Edit menu will pop the photographs right back in to Published Photos panel.

    Otherwise . . . it looks at the moment like you either have to delete/remove them or go ahead and Publish. The later isn't a bad idea with a Flickr Pro account. It will just replace the old with the 'new' and everything is back to the way it should be. With a regular account it is not so easy. Check the Help online and look for Export using Publish Services(linked) entry. It explains the various options in the sequence of file management.


    check out this link:
    Lightroom 3 Beta’s Publish Services – Part 2

    The Publish option is more than just an upload option! If that is all that is needed use the FTP loader in the Web Module at the bottom of the right hand panel.

    Publish to Flickr also allows direct interface including being able to view comments posted on flickr and have them become part of the LR database. LR and flickr talk to each other with this plug-in provided as part of LR3. Once LR has been used to start a Flickr photostream, it needs to be managed through LR or there may be images that get permanently hung in Lightroom!

    If it gets to messed up, deleting the Flickr setup and starting over may be the best decision.

    The Publish options under LR3 are meant to keep track of changes to images as they occur in the Catalog and have that reflected in the 'published' file(s). This has application for backing up critical editing off site automatically as well.

    I believe there needs to be a bit more expansion on this topic for those who are going to use it! There is documentation and several resources beyond the two above that are available and if anyone else needs more I'll try to boil it down to a quick and dirty start guide!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Lightroom 3 - please help with flickr publishing-pubrtclk.jpg  
    CDPrice 'drg'
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  4. #4
    light wait photophorous's Avatar
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    Re: Lightroom 3 - please help with flickr publishing


    Thanks for looking into this. I read the link you provided, and I think I understand all that. Unfortunately, I've tinkered too much for the "Undo" button to be an option. The problem with re-publishing all of them is that they don't all have the same watermark settings. I'll have to go back and re-publish most of them a second time to get them back the way they were. Just now I looked through what I have on flickr and I can tell that I've accidentally re-published them in the past, because the watermarks have changed.

    I need to figure out how to provide feedback to Adobe now that Beta is over...if it's not too late.


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