Does anyone here use DxO?
Or has anyone here downloaded, tried, and abandoned it as I did?
I found it about 1/4 the speed of Lightroom, far to slow to be in any way flowing as part of a workflow, even on a quad gore 2h5GHz machine where Lightroom runs fine.
DxO seems to be about as slow as the Olympus Viewer 2, which isn't saying much good for either of them.
Terribly slow in rendering the thumbnails, and seemed to need to re-render them while viewing. OK Lightroom does that if I haven't viewed the thumbnails for a year - but LR is far quicker at recalculating.
I've given up on DxO, they may be adding many more of the micro four thirds lenses with the OM-D E-M5 in August, so that lens adjustments like CA work, but I'm not waiting for that. I've already uninstalled DxO.
What's your experience?