First of all, as co-moderator of this brand new Photography As Art Forum, I'd like to extend a warm welcome to one and all.
After the somewhat volatile circumstances that led to the creation of this forum, I can only assume that many of you have absolutely no idea what to expect or what the climate of the discussions here will be.
And while no doubt some of you have already made up your minds that by nature, this forum will quickly develop into a sort of "fight club" atmosphere with self-proclaimed, egotistical artists sparring endlessly over abstract theories and narrow-minded opinions, I think the rest of you will be pleasantly surprised at the wealth and quality of ideas and information that will be shared through our discussions.
For me, that's the key word here: sharing.
That means it's ok to have a strong opinion on the subject of art. Also to defend that position by disagreeing with another member, emotionally if need be. But we need to do it with respect, and at least try to understand the point the other person is attempting to make.
When we approach debate with this mentality, surprising things can happen. Sometimes you persuade the other person, sometimes they persuade you. Or sometimes you agree to disagree. It only makes sense that our beliefs evolve in a positive manner by this exposure to and consideration of others' ways of thinking.
My greatest hope for this venue is not that it will lead to some amazingly profound "enlightenment" with regards to the world of established and experienced photo-artists, but rather that it will become in essence an "Aladin's Lamp" of new ideas and inspiration for those of you that have had doubts about your artistic abilities and question your place in the art world.
This is your forum as much as anybody's...
IMO, this forum will be a success only if it helps you the individual take more creative risks, set loftier goals for your photography, and challenge yourself by striving to develop and extend your own artistic vision.
It will be my priviledge to help all of you accomplish that in any way I can...