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  1. #1
    Member SenorNikonMan's Avatar
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    Worst red eye I have ever seen

    Here are cropped out versions of some pics I took at a high school football game this past Friday night. These were group shots of the whole team and in each of the three shots I took there is this one player who has the worst red eye I have ever seen. He's not even looking directly at me and yet his eyes seem to be on fire. In one of the pics, the player directly to his right (our left) has red eye too, but not nearly as bad as he does. Nobody else has red eye in any of the pics.

    Has anybody ever seen red eye as bad as this? It looks as if it was photo-shopped in there but I can assure you that it was not.

  2. #2
    Spamminator Grandpaw's Avatar
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    Re: Worst red eye I have ever seen

    Do think he could have on contact lens? Jeff
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  3. #3
    drg is offline
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    Re: Worst red eye I have ever seen

    Yes, I have this happen every so often. It is either prismatic contacts often used for correction and remedial treatment of mild cross-eye conditions or a particular brand (I don't know for certain which brand) that causes this.

    Notice how the whole eye including the iris is affected. That's the tip off. Otherwise it is the pupil area that is primarily tinted.
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  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Re: Worst red eye I have ever seen

    Those are the reddest eyes I've ever seen! They look like they're on fire! :mad5:

  5. #5
    Member SenorNikonMan's Avatar
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    Re: Worst red eye I have ever seen

    Quote Originally Posted by drg
    Yes, I have this happen every so often. It is either prismatic contacts often used for correction and remedial treatment of mild cross-eye conditions or a particular brand (I don't know for certain which brand) that causes this.

    Notice how the whole eye including the iris is affected. That's the tip off. Otherwise it is the pupil area that is primarily tinted.
    That makes sense. Thanks for the info. I was able to correct the red eye with no problem, but I was curious as to what was causing his eyes to be so incredibly red. Now I know.

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Re: Worst red eye I have ever seen

    Few google search, I see some explanation too, here:

    In many animals, including dogs, cats and deer, the retina has a special reflective layer called the tapetum lucidum that acts almost like a mirror at the backs of their eyes.
    Humans don't have this tapetum lucidum layer in their retinas. If you shine a flashlight in a person's eyes at night, you don't see any sort of reflection. The flash on a camera is bright enough, however, to cause a reflection off of the retina -- what you see is the red color from the blood vessels nourishing the eye.
    If you use a flash in a dark environment, you often get a red eye effect. This is because the light of the flash is reflecting from the retina, which is covered with tiny blood vessels.

    The more open the pupils are, the more red eye effect you get in your photos. Red eye is more pronounced in people with light eye color. It is also more pronounced in people with blond or light-red hair and in children.

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