My local camera club is having a raging debate over the judging of digital images. basically the categories they can enter are: colour, monochrome and slide. digital and digitally manipulated images can enter either colour or monochrome categories and are therefore judged to the same standards as silver halide images. this is causing controvery in that digitally "enhanced" images seem to be winning regularly and those without access to the technology cannot compete. the winner of the best print of the year for 2003 was a digital arrangment of three separate slides. this particular image could have been recreated in the darkroom (although the process would have been painfull) personally i see nothing wrong when the superior looking image wins, however i can still see a fairly strong argument for separating manipulated and "raw" images into two separate categories. what are your thoughts. should an "unmanipulated" digital image compete with film ? should all images have unmanipulated and manipulated categories, and what constitues manipulation. are filters ok, but not playing with levels ? what about if it is hand or home printed and with dodging and burning ? can you pick all manipulated images ?