Hi. I cut a head and pasted it to a cartoon body. How do I cut out the new head and body and save it as ajpeg or bmp to use in Publisher or word, but without the white background ? Can't the saved image be just the cutout body with no matte behind it?
To be a little clearer, If I crop it out along the outline of the body and head, when it is saved (gif, jpeg, bmp) the image I paste into Publisher has a framed white border around it which ruins the effect I am looking for. How do I get rid of the white frame so that my contoured jagged edges are the real edge of the jpg/bmp/bmp, etc, whatever??
I am working in an elementary school, and I would truly appreciate someone helping solve this problem.
PS I am working with Photoshop Elements 3.0,but have access to Photoshop 7 or 8 if need be.