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metal shine and black and whites go together reallly well. this photo shows why. lovely textures and shines on the train's body. very nice black and white treatment. love the tonal range. the composition is a bit tight, but that's what you were going for. good stuff. i think it will look great in a series side by side, different angles, parts, etc.
"There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have." Nelson Mandela
What I see I really like, but it feels unfulfilled without seeing the nose of the train. Seeing the windows up top in the cockpit almost makes up for it, though not quite. Great shiny look. It could be sharper, but the slight blurriness also makes it look vintage.
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Feel free to edit and repost my photos as part of your critique.
Yes, this was an inside shot ...with my new D7000 I was amazed that I was able to pull this off hand held - ISO 3200.
I think we might need to form a D7000 club!!!! Jeff
Check out my websiteHere My Nikon D7000 Tips thread is HERE
All images posted by me anywhere are Copyrighted by Federal Law and may not be copied or used in ANY FORM without my personal written permission.Jeff Impey "I decided years ago I was only going to have two types of days...Very Good Daysor just Plain Good DaysI just refuse to have Bad Ones!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Here are the other 3 shots I took ...taking the photo of the whole train was not possible in the barn ...and getting a good "frontal" was hard as well .....but good news ! They actually still take this old thing out for a run from time to time ...just have to find out when !
Monochrome images that I do, in general: I start with splitting the RGB and finding which one I like best, then I use channels to convert to Monochrome. After that,I adjust the levels and balance the tone. Next are curves for some contrast. I will then usually either add to take away some grain and potentially improve sharpness. Lastly I use tone mapping built into Corel on a single image (you can do pseudo HDR as well) and tweak it "just a little bit" - it does some great things to contrast and that "effect" that seems apparent here.