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Nice classical you've got there. I feel like this may work better as a portrait or with a tighter crop, maybe a 5x5 with the bridge at the bottom corner. I definitely think the cloth and whatever that is in the middle need to go though.
mostly Nikon gear
Feel free to edit my images for critique, just let me know what you did.
Not a usual Armando type of shot. I like the shape of positive/negative area. almost like a Ying Yang. The shadows created by the light are nice and strong complimentary to the light brown textures. I think the thing that doesn't work for me is the bottom left. I kinda wish that dark triangle wasn't there.
"There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have." Nelson Mandela
I like where you were going with this one! I agree with what has already been said about the dark corner on the bottom left and the cloth on the right. Since I am new to photography and editing, and learn best by doing, I played with your photo for a few minutes:
Obviously the aspect isn't correct, and it could certainly be cleaner, but I played around with a few different crops and tried blending out the cloth on the right side.
I agree on the bottom left dark shadow, but there's no way to crop it given the unusual angle of the guitar. Still, something very attractive about the angle .. It's definitely not a typical shot. Nice catch.
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Feel free to edit and repost my photos as part of your critique.
yes a bit different , i wanted to have the curves of the guitar going in diagonal through the frame
I agree the details which are not black would have to go as Reb did in the edit,
the dark corner on the left can be eliminated with a reshoot, we get that light every day at home, just have to get there early enough, or maybe try with flash ... hmm ..