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Hello Yoyo
These don't work for me.
I think to attain the atmosphere of abandonment the shots needs to be of a complete playground with more environment visible.
This is your first post that I could guess, from your title, what I was going to see.
I have a total lack of respect for anything connected with society, except that which makes the roads safer, the beer stronger, the food cheaper, and the old men and old women warmer in the winter and happier in the summer. Brendan Behan
These are odd! I mean, your choices of crop/framing are unusuals. I think that it creates an interesting tension but it makes me feel somewhat uncomfortable at the same time.
Out of three, I'd vote for the first one. I actually like it quite a lot. The crop of your subject is a bit strange but I like how the fences in the background create a pattern that lead my eyes from the front to the back. The whole scene is clean, things fit well together.
I am not too enthusiastic about your second picture, the various elements seems cropped too oddly to me. The fact there are people in the background is also an issue. I think that there is more tension/mystery when no one is arround such in the first picture.
I find your third picture to be rather interesting but then again, the fact that there are people in the shot bugs me.
I do appreciate the experimentation you are going for even if I am not comfortable with all your choices. This subject deserve to be worked some more (I think...). You could go for a series of some sort.
Hi Tom, Thanks for the comment. Your suggestions are good. Are the titles of the past posts so abstract? LOL. The title of this post is from the song "Dust in the wind".
Hey Seb, I'm more partial to the first one of this bunch. The reason I like it is because there's a creepy quality to it, especially since the horse's eye is very empty-looking. It gives a sinister feel to the photo. I also like the yellows in this.
Hi Tom, Thanks for the comment. Your suggestions are good. Are the titles of the past posts so abstract? LOL. The title of this post is from the song "Dust in the wind".
Hi Seb, Thanks for the in-depth analysis.
Indeed I always find your titles very interesting Yoyo.
Now; Dust In The Wind. Was this by the group Kansas?
I have a total lack of respect for anything connected with society, except that which makes the roads safer, the beer stronger, the food cheaper, and the old men and old women warmer in the winter and happier in the summer. Brendan Behan