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  1. #1
    Member Lou Frasier's Avatar
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    what should I have done differently?

    to make this a better picture?the only setting that I remember is that my iso was set at 200 and my camera was on manual,I always forget to write my settings down,any ways,please critique it for me please,and maybe some suggestions, camera is a nikon d60 and I was using my 18-55 lens,
    whens the next trackday,

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Re: what should I have done differently?

    I don't see a focal point in the shot. The far tree in the back of the shot? I would have tried to add a little contast to the sky it seems as if thought the sky and ground look the same. Maybe get rid of the tree in the left hand corner of the foreground. Just my 2 cents.

  3. #3
    Member Lou Frasier's Avatar
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    Re: what should I have done differently?

    Quote Originally Posted by ravencrew
    I don't see a focal point in the shot. The far tree in the back of the shot? I would have tried to add a little contast to the sky it seems as if thought the sky and ground look the same. Maybe get rid of the tree in the left hand corner of the foreground. Just my 2 cents.
    thanks,I sure appreciate it,I am extremely new to photography and any and all criticism is greatly welcome,much appreciated.:thumbsup:
    whens the next trackday,

  4. #4
    May the force be with you Canuck935's Avatar
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    Re: what should I have done differently?

    It's a nice winter scene image, and I think some PP can really help this one. Add some contrast and go a bit warmer with the WB. Maybe try B&W conversion.

  5. #5
    Aspiring Photographer mindikollphotos's Avatar
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    Re: what should I have done differently?

    I agree with raven crew on the left corner tree. I think that it would make the larger one in front of it act as a more focal point in the photo. The photo has a nice clean look, but it is a little cold. Adjusting contrast and showing more blue in the sky might make it pop just a little more. I really like it though.
    I'm a beginner photographer experimenting with lighting, and different editing techniques in photoshop cs3, and paint shop pro.

    I'd like critiques from both sides of the camera. A photographer's point of view, and what you would like to see if the picture was of you (or your child) and you'd paid to have these taken. My ultimate goal is to improve my technique and style, and be the best that I can be.

    Your help is appreciated!

  6. #6
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    Re: what should I have done differently?

    I think I would crop out the snow to just barely above the branch on the ground to the left, and then intensify the color perhaps.

    While I agree the focal point is subtle, the v of the tree line and the inverted v of the snow horizon line does lead my eye to that center back tree.

    I know nothing about Photoshop, but if there were a way to darken the edges and lighten up the center or sparkle it up or something, to me that would create a more interesting picture.

    As it is, I like the fact that my eye wanders through the serene pic, but some enhancement would help, I think.

  7. #7
    GB1 is offline
    Moderator GB1's Avatar
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    Re: what should I have done differently?

    Lou - The image's EXIF data says it was actually shot at 400 ISO at f4 and 1/640 of a second (isn't digital photography wonderful?). The shot is a tad dark as can often happen when shooting snow as meters don't know how to handle the pure white, especially if the sun is reflecting off of it. Try brightening it up about 1 f stop.

    The image is nice, but i think it would be a lot stronger with an obvious subject. If only there was a deer in the photo, just off center Guess you can't always get what you want.

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  8. #8
    Member Lou Frasier's Avatar
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    Re: what should I have done differently?

    Quote Originally Posted by GB1
    Lou - The image's EXIF data says it was actually shot at 400 ISO at f4 and 1/640 of a second (isn't digital photography wonderful?). The shot is a tad dark as can often happen when shooting snow as meters don't know how to handle the pure white, especially if the sun is reflecting off of it. Try brightening it up about 1 f stop.

    The image is nice, but i think it would be a lot stronger with an obvious subject. If only there was a deer in the photo, just off center Guess you can't always get what you want.

    thanks again,I had to go again last night and couldn't manage to be able to shoot the snow falling,I will continue to try though,again,I sure appreciate the help guys.:thumbsup:
    Last edited by Lou Frasier; 12-19-2008 at 08:51 PM.
    whens the next trackday,

  9. #9
    Re Member LeeIs's Avatar
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    Re: what should I have done differently?

    I like it lou. I like the many layers of trees and snow mounds extending all the way to the far background of this pic. i think you've exposed really well for the snow here as well. i dont mind it lacking any real subject, to me the snow scene is the actual subject.

    also noticed that you shot f4, try using a higher f number for landscape photography, it'll get a lot more of your scene in focus. but it will also slow your shutter speed down so i tripod might become necessary depending on how slow the shutter becomes.

    good one though.

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  10. #10
    Spamminator Grandpaw's Avatar
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    Re: what should I have done differently?

    Lou, being able to see what settings the camera was set on is very helpful for learning.
    GB1 gave you your settings but you need to know how to get them yourself for further learning. Go to the picture in your computer and right click on it. Next go down and left click on properties. Then click on the details tab a scroll down and you will see all the info for that shot. You can't see it here on the forum but if you see a picture you like and want to know the settings, most of the time you can TEMPORAROLY save it to your computer so the setting can be seen. After learning the setting you need to delete the picture due to the fact it isn't your photograph and does not belong to you, Jeff
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  11. #11
    Senior Member jetrim's Avatar
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    Re: what should I have done differently?

    Alternatively, you could D/L and start using the Opera 9 browser instead of Internet explorer, and you can right click right from the internet and get the EXIF data

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