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  1. #1
    cfd is offline
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    Wells House in Storm

    I've been reviewing others photos for awhile, and thought its time I posted a few of my own. This is my first one. Just currious what others think. Let me know. Thanks...
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Wells House in Storm-wells-v3.0-reduced.jpg  

  2. #2

    Re: Wells House in Storm

    Quote Originally Posted by cfd
    I've been reviewing others photos for awhile, and thought its time I posted a few of my own. This is my first one. Just currious what others think. Let me know. Thanks...
    Hello cfd,

    Your picture is quite spectacular. I love the composition, the remarquable dof and the grain. One question though, I don't mean to be insulting but is the lightning for real?? It almost looks too perfect to be true.



  3. #3
    Viewfinder and Off-Topic Co-Mod walterick's Avatar
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    Re: Wells House in Storm

    Awesome. Everything works.

    - please don't tell me the lightening is fake -

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  4. #4
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Re: Wells House in Storm

    Great looking scene. I like it. I was wondering the same thing as Seb, about the lightning and also as to how much digital editing was done. I for one feel that photography/digital art work well together and I am all for it. However this scene was made, it looks great. Well done
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  5. #5
    Sitting in a Leaky Dingy Michael Fanelli's Avatar
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    Re: Wells House in Storm

    Quote Originally Posted by cfd
    I've been reviewing others photos for awhile, and thought its time I posted a few of my own. This is my first one. Just currious what others think. Let me know. Thanks...
    I don't comment much here but this photo caught my eye. Excellent! It's one of those photos that doesn't get boring after repeated viewings.
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  6. #6
    re-Member shutterman's Avatar
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    Re: Wells House in Storm

    Great! Would love to see the real print!

    Who are they, where are they, how can they possibly know all the rules?

  7. #7
    Intermediate member bobbythebandit's Avatar
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    Re: Wells House in Storm

    Great shot, maybe a tad too busy, i want to look at the building but am drawn to the lightnig.Excellent in B&W !

  8. #8
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    Re: Wells House in Storm

    Wow, what a good picture! One thing I would do is crop it really tight to the bottom of the house so you cant see that dark thing in the bottom-left, and so it puts emphasis on the sky which would just show how much more powerfull the storm is than the house, just to improve composition. WOw run on sentence!
    But I think its an amazing shot nonetheless!

    It took a little bit of cloning but here is what I was thinking, hope you dont mind:
    Attached Images Attached Images  
    Last edited by Iamcndn; 11-30-2004 at 02:53 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Re: Wells House in Storm

    CDF: The shot is in deed quite spectacular. I like the framing as is. I think that if it were cropped too tight, it would be unbalanced. I also wonder about the lightning. Either it was a digital addition, or you had impecable timing. Either way, it is quite a striking photo.

    Good Work!

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Re: Wells House in Storm

    wow this is one of the best shots I have ever seen!

  11. #11
    ...if so, the possibilites are endless remembertofocus's Avatar
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    Re: Wells House in Storm

    thats insane...looks to good to be a natural event!
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  12. #12
    cfd is offline
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    Re: Wells House in Storm

    Thank you to everyone for responding. Since many of you asked about the lightning, I feel obligated to reply. The answer to whether the lightning is real is both yes and no. Yes, the lightning is real and came from the storm pictured. Unfortunately, the storm that is pictured occured about 50 miles and over an hour after the photo of the house. What could I do, I had a great ground shot of this old house, but it came with a dull grey sky (and some ugly trees behind the house). I also had a great storm shot of the sky, but it came with nothing but about 6 miles of barren high desert between the mountains and the camera. So I combined them. The two shots were made on a long (really long) drive between Jackpot NV on the Idaho border and Las Vegas.

    One question, the shot looks very soft as shown on this page - the print is much sharper. Is this common, or could it be because I compressed the image too much to get in onto this page. Thanks again...

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