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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Wiltshire UK

    Wells - but no waiting !

    On a brief visit to beautiful Wells (Somerset,UK) location of a fantastic cathedral and Bishops Palace. Took some american friends there a few years ago - they were blown over by the place ! They saw some swans in the Palace moat glide up to the Palace walls pull a chain rope and a hand came out of the wall a few seconds later and fed them ! History ooozes from it ! Penn (founder of Pennslyvania) was arrested outside an Inn for preaching to 3000 people and avoided prison after the intervention of the Bishop of Wells....the place is full of stories....

    Here is a couple of snaps taken of the Vicars Close near the Cathedral - I would be interested to here which one people think works better (if any !). Let me know. I prefer the second...but I am no expert !
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Wells - but no waiting !-wells1.jpg   Wells - but no waiting !-wells2.jpg  

  2. #2
    Member bjtindle's Avatar
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    Jun 2004
    I also like the second one better. It has more detail than the first because the view is a bit closer. I also like the way the arch draws you in towards the inner area, you just want to see what is in there!! I think they are very nice photos.

    "When you aim for perfection you discover it is a moving target".

    - George Fisher -

  3. #3
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    N.Y. U.S.A.
    Looks like a really interesting place as you say and would love to visit. I have English ancestry which I am in the process of searching for( long story) and feel somehow a connection with your scenes i have seen you post.
    i like the second shot out of the two because it focuses on those beautiful row houses on the cobblestone street. While I like the shot, I think it would have worked better vertically to get the whole archway in the shot. To me, it is so important that that whole archway from bottom to top fit in the frame, otherwise it just seems wrong. just my opinion
    While the first shot has almost the whole arch ( top is cut a bit too much) it also has too much of either side as well in my opinion. Thats why I feel this is a better shot for a vertical frame.
    Looking forward to more of your posts.
    please do not edit and repost my photos


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Wiltshire UK
    thanks folks - appreciated ! Wells is stunning - a small city no skyscrapers just mainly old houses and a few shops.....the countryside is a short walk from the centre.

    gahspidy - which part of England have you managed to trace your people back to ?

    so many people think that England is many english it is the sights and sounds beyond the capital that is really the heart of this great nation.

    Back to the subject -

    For anyone interested there is an old house at the end of vicars close which has a mini castle look to it....but the view from this house, looking back to the arch where I took the original pic is better ! here it is :
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Wells - but no waiting !-wells3.jpg  

  5. #5
    Member bjtindle's Avatar
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    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Dave L
    thanks folks - appreciated ! Wells is stunning - a small city no skyscrapers just mainly old houses and a few shops.....the countryside is a short walk from the centre.

    gahspidy - which part of England have you managed to trace your people back to ?

    so many people think that England is many english it is the sights and sounds beyond the capital that is really the heart of this great nation.

    Back to the subject -

    For anyone interested there is an old house at the end of vicars close which has a mini castle look to it....but the view from this house, looking back to the arch where I took the original pic is better ! here it is :
    I wouldn't mind living there! Nice shot! My family is from England too, way back, Tindle family, altho spelled different. My mother was in to genealogy and traced us back to Wm. the Conqueror but I couldn't say any names, my sister could, who has been to England, but NOT ME!!! Someday.... Beautiful architecture and detail, I love it.

    "When you aim for perfection you discover it is a moving target".

    - George Fisher -

  6. #6
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Feb 2004
    N.Y. U.S.A.
    That last shot is really impressive. . .not only is the scene full of charm and depth but you have done a great job taking this shot. Would not change a thing.
    I do not know what part or much detail yet as to my origins, long story , but I do come from a family by the name of Miles who came from England and settled here in the U.S. . . South Carolina. my search should be through by the end of this year, I hope.
    Once again, great shot. . look forward to more.
    please do not edit and repost my photos


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Wiltshire UK
    Hi folks ! this tracing our roots thing is really interesting ! Don't know any Tindles (but my surname is Latham which apparently is Norman as was William the Conqueror ). My mother's family is Hewlett (and apparently there is a connection somewhere with the US computer family). The Hewlett's supported Cromwell against the King and could have been among the chosen few to chop his head off ! My parents roots are Wiltshire,Worcestershire and the Midlands.

    Miles is a common English name and indeed I know a family named Miles in the Wiltshire area (they owned a small bus/coach company).

    While you guys look at olde England - I, on the other hand enjoy learning about American history and how this is heavily linked to the UK. Our two nations are related - we share the same heritage so often. I delight in visiting the USA and very rapidly loose my modern English accent when I am over there. (some experts think the American accent is closer to the old english accent - it is the brits who have lost their true twang !) I spent many happy hours in Florida this april chatting to American holiday makers about their history,politics etc it was wonderful !

    Without digressing too much - our village (Aldbourne,Wilts)was the UK base for the Band of Brothers and we had a commenmoration and celebration event of few weeks ago with The Gathering of Eagles. You ought to see the brits who dress up as American GIs ! I took a few pics of this....might show them if anyone is interested. A few veterans came over to join in the event and a Mustang and Dakota flew past.

    Ten years ago some american friends took me on an Eastern Seaboard visit to Boston,Washington,Gettysburg,Williamberg,Charlesto wn,Savannah and Pocahontas area.... marvellous ! I could rabbit on about America ....oh and did you know where one possible origin of the name America came from....well it was Bristol and Cabot and....oh I better sign off before the moderator tells me to shut up !

  8. #8
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Feb 2004
    N.Y. U.S.A.
    Very interesting. . .would like to hang with you one day in an English Tavern and hear about all the history. I've always been very fond of the Brits and marvel over how much they have contributed to the world as we know it today. Such a rich and interesting history. ( besides the Fab Four!!)
    please do not edit and repost my photos


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Wiltshire UK
    look forward to that ! let me know how you progress with your tracing the ancestry bit - if i can help let me know. I am amazed at the history of these islands - here you have ancient history (even before the pyramids) just up the road from us at Stonehenge and the beautiful stone circles nestling among the thatched cottages of Avebury - here you have Roman history - rich anglo saxon history - ancient glorious celtic history - viking history (Yorvik or York) - Norman history - imperial history and it goes on....and on. We are so wealthy in culture and heritage.....but I greatly fear we are losing respect and appreciation of it ! (does this sound familier to other folk). Britain can be a vibrant nation, but.......................................
    Last edited by Dave L; 06-09-2004 at 06:33 AM.

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