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i can't believe this one didn't get a comment yet. this is probably one of the best ones i seen from that side of venice. i've seen a lot of shots looking back at the square, this one is well composed, nicely exposed, nice detail in the sky & water, nice and sharp. well done.
"There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have." Nelson Mandela
Welcome to the forums, LenDog. I like your shot and think that the colors and boats work well. It's always a challenge to get a good shot of boats, at least here in the USA (Europe just seems more photographic, for whatever reason), but this one is nice.
For a small suggestion, I think I would either crop a little off the top, or the bottom. Why? Well, maybe because the horizon is too close to the center of the image, which sort of splits it in two pieces. Cropping some off the top would move the horizon higher in the (remaining) image.
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