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  1. #1
    eager beaver soren's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Vancouver sunset

    just got back from vancouver got lots of pics to share, nothing to special though

    i wanted to spend more time taking pics but the person i went with wasnt to fond of the idea of wandering around with a camera... so i couldnt really take the time i wanted to with the photo spots i was at or even get to the places i wanted to

    but here are a few for now taken from stanley park. i must say, i love it there! i could spend every day just wandering around stanley park, so beautiful.

    taken with:

    nikon D70
    1) 70mm - 1/100s - f/25 - ISO 500 - WB direct sunlight (+3)
    only cropped slightly

    2) 46mm - 1s - f/14 - ISO 200 - WB cloudy
    brightened in ps and cropped slightly

    please comment or add suggestions to improve pics... thanks!

  2. #2
    Where is Snowy? Yoyo Szeto's Avatar
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    Hong Kong
    Hi, I like both shots. They show the effect of light on the mood of photos. Very nice.

  3. #3
    Paint with Light PuckJunkey's Avatar
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    Across the street from Wisconsin
    I agree; they're both very pleasing to the eye and technically sound as well. Nice job.

    And despite my allegiances, I am very glad to see the Flames advancing to round 3. They've beaten two very solid teams so I think they have as good a shot at getting to the Finals as anyone left. Go Flames!

    D200 = Digital F100
    I have achieved nirvana.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Great shots Soren, both of them. I really like the second one, pastel color, painting look.

    But, non straight horizons, I see that so many times; it's definitely a no-no and so easy to fix.

  5. #5
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    Apr 2004
    i like the first one the best as you said you did work on the second one in ps which leads me to ask you how much work did you do on the first one but i would buy the first one and the second one is over done to much
    ~Something is nothing~
    ~Nothing is somthing~

  6. #6
    eager beaver soren's Avatar
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    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Young Shooter
    i like the first one the best as you said you did work on the second one in ps which leads me to ask you how much work did you do on the first one but i would buy the first one and the second one is over done to much

    i said what i did in ps under each bit of shot detail

    1st one was ONLY cropped slightly to remove a branch in the immediate corner

    2nd one only the brightness was brought up and cropped slightly

  7. #7
    eager beaver soren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wings
    Great shots Soren, both of them. I really like the second one, pastel color, painting look.

    But, non straight horizons, I see that so many times; it's definitely a no-no and so easy to fix.

    heh ya noticed that too after i posted... oops

    here is the corrected version

  8. #8
    eager beaver soren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PuckJunkey
    I agree; they're both very pleasing to the eye and technically sound as well. Nice job.

    And despite my allegiances, I am very glad to see the Flames advancing to round 3. They've beaten two very solid teams so I think they have as good a shot at getting to the Finals as anyone left. Go Flames!

    they may not have the skill, but damnit they sure do want that cup!

    oh and for anyone visiting vancouver in the near future... DO NOT start yelling GO FLAMES GO in the middle of a bar

    apparently they are still a little touchy on the subject, hehe oops

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Great Soren, much better!

  10. #10
    Mig is offline
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    I ran off on Thursday with a dance troupe from Spain
    Yes! This one was my favorite of the two, the only thing that was keeping me from loving it was the damn horizon. (Don't you just hate it when those damn things go and tilt on you?). Beautifu.


  11. #11
    Hello Soren,

    Both these pictures are compelling. If I understand you well, you actually overexposed the first picture of 3 stops to achieve this result? I am surprised but the final resulst is great. I am not too sure if I have a favorite one, I would dare to say that you seem to have put more thought in the composition of the first one but the colors of the latter picture are truly remarkable. Either way, these are keepers.

    I'll be in Vancouver (and Victoria) myself in late august. I'll look forward for Stanley Park.



  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Ontario, Canada

    Nice Pics!

    Quote Originally Posted by Seb
    Hello Soren,

    Both these pictures are compelling. If I understand you well, you actually overexposed the first picture of 3 stops to achieve this result? I am surprised but the final resulst is great. I am not too sure if I have a favorite one, I would dare to say that you seem to have put more thought in the composition of the first one but the colors of the latter picture are truly remarkable. Either way, these are keepers.

    I'll be in Vancouver (and Victoria) myself in late august. I'll look forward for Stanley Park.



    I enjoyed your pics and everyone else's. The only trouble is, that I don't know what you guys are referring to. Someone mentioned the horizon? What's wrong with it?
    It would help me in the long run to know how to take a picture of a horizon in the future.
    Thanks again in advance.
    P.S. Does anyone here posts pics with cheaper cameras?

  13. #13
    eager beaver soren's Avatar
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    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Seb
    Hello Soren,

    Both these pictures are compelling. If I understand you well, you actually overexposed the first picture of 3 stops to achieve this result? I am surprised but the final resulst is great. I am not too sure if I have a favorite one, I would dare to say that you seem to have put more thought in the composition of the first one but the colors of the latter picture are truly remarkable. Either way, these are keepers.

    I'll be in Vancouver (and Victoria) myself in late august. I'll look forward for Stanley Park.



    thanks for the comments

    and yes there was a little more thought put into that first shot. but its too bad i didnt get there a bit earlier. as i was getting the camera out the boy you see in the picture was still having some fun on his boogie board, which could have made a little more interesting picture.

    ur going to love stanley park, i suggest going alone or with another shutter bug cause ur gonna want to take pics of everything lol

  14. #14
    eager beaver soren's Avatar
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    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by barb_48
    I enjoyed your pics and everyone else's. The only trouble is, that I don't know what you guys are referring to. Someone mentioned the horizon? What's wrong with it?
    It would help me in the long run to know how to take a picture of a horizon in the future.
    Thanks again in advance.
    P.S. Does anyone here posts pics with cheaper cameras?


    well if u compare the first pic against the edited version of the colorful horizon you will notice one is a bit crooked. the edited version is much pleasing to look at

    and u dont need to spend a couple grand to get photos similar to this, i have nikon coolpix 4500 that also takes some amazing pictures. i believe that any camera can produce amazing pictures when in the hands of a skilled photographer. ive seen some pictures from disposables that have been published or used in this exact example (u dont need to spend a lot of money just to get results). what kinda of camera are you using at the moment?

  15. #15
    Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by soren
    1) 70mm - 1/100s - f/25 - ISO 500 - WB direct sunlight (+3)
    only cropped slightly
    How did you determine your setting, did you use a light meter or just the camera's metering? Is the whitest part of the photo (the sun) overexposed? I sometimes have trouble when there are extreme contrasts in a scene, if I allow for the brightest spot then the dark parts are too dark, and vice versa...

  16. #16
    eager beaver soren's Avatar
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    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Aratharu
    How did you determine your setting, did you use a light meter or just the camera's metering? Is the whitest part of the photo (the sun) overexposed? I sometimes have trouble when there are extreme contrasts in a scene, if I allow for the brightest spot then the dark parts are too dark, and vice versa...

    i used manual exposure, but for the pic with the sun in the bg i used the light meter as a guide. I underexposed a bit according to the light meter to keep those bg hills nice and black

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