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Thread: Stairs

  1. #1
    West Coast Ninja christopher_platt's Avatar
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    Apr 2004
    Monterey Bay, CA


    What do you guys think? Does this work, or is it boring? I was thinking maybe it would work better toned instead of just black and white. . .
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Stairs-stairs.jpg  

  2. #2
    News & Rum-or-ator opus's Avatar
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    Southeast Wisconsin
    I'd like it with a bit more contrast. That's just my gut feeling. But I like it on an emotional level. I really do.

  3. #3
    Intermediate member bobbythebandit's Avatar
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    Dublin, Ireland.
    I would like to see a person walking or sitting on these steps to give it depth and feeling.

  4. #4
    West Coast Ninja christopher_platt's Avatar
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    Apr 2004
    Monterey Bay, CA

    Kellybean- like this?

    Here it is with the contrast added, Kelly. . .
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Stairs-stairs2.jpg  

  5. #5
    News & Rum-or-ator opus's Avatar
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    Southeast Wisconsin
    Ya know, I don't like it better. I like the first one much better.

    But thanks for humouring me....!


  6. #6
    Sleep is optional Sebastian's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Chicago Suburbs

    Although I prefer images that communicate something, there are still times when an interesting graphical composition can make a beautiful photo, without really "saying" anything. I think you were on your way to that here. But for it to work, you have to be attentive to its lines.

    I drew the main lines that I see in the attached pic. Overall, a struggling composition, one that seems to fight itself for leading your eye. The peak takes you nowhere, while the angled lines fight for attention. Sometimes it helps to break an image down into basic ideas such as these to help decide if it works for you or not. Especially with largely graphical images.

    IMO, the image does not work, I find myself frustrated looking for something near the peak of the steps. But not frustrated in a good way, I want there to be more, I feel like you're leading me somewhere, but you never deliver. Hope you know what I mean, I am sure I'm not explaining it as well as I could be, even though I have spent several days thinking about it.

    Some suggestions would have been to shoot from the other end, show us where the steps lead up to, with maybe a pretty sky in the BG. Or shoot from the side and have the steps snake across the frame. Or get down and closer and make the steps a secondary element to add scale to the flowers and other foliage. I don't know, these are just suggestions, whether or not they would be even possible or desired is not for me to know.

    I hope some of this makes sense...

    Take care!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Stairs-stairs-messed-.jpg  

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