No I didn't sit and hope I could press the button in time, this is how I did it for those who have yet to use the remote shooting ability on their 350D hope it helps.
If you have the Canon software then you just use the EOS capture proggie, and connect the camera to the computer by the USB lead as if you were going to dowload some piccies off the CF card.
When you open the EOS Utility program there is a button marked Camera Setting/Remote shooting. make sure the camera is wired up and switched on then click the button and a little control box opens up that lets you make lots of adjustments to the camera.
At the top is a menu and seleting the middle label, marked Tools, opens up a requestor box for 'Timer Shooting'. Select 999 piccies, 0 delay and minimum 00.05 between shots and at half second intervals the timer will fire the camera up to 999 shots, and press the little camera icon. If you have done every thing right the camera should start firing and a little progress box will open up on your computer screen. Make sure you have an extension USB lead. only £7 for 5 metres fom Ebay and you can link up to 5.
Then go grab a beer or watch the World Cup or what ever else takes your fancy on a hot summers day and let the computer do it's thing. After 999 shots reset and start again if you want more, then when you have finished start the long hard work of sifting and discarding. Remember if you use RAW format you will using about 10 gig nearly of hard drive space for every thousand piccies on a 8mp camera.
Can anyone suggest any other ways of attaining this sort of shot, short of getting lucky.