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1st let me say "Welcome" I don't think I have seen you post any photos before....
Now to the Critique:
This image has a "scary movie" feel to it... Grainy, but IMO it works for the type of photo that it is...
Makes me wonder, Is that her hand, or someone elses? with the angle, it could be either..
Also, the textures in the different fabrics are interesting, and it gives the photo another element... Kinda makes me picture her hiding under a bed, with her head poking out... wondering if the bad guy is going to leave yet... The bottom left hand side, while dark, some texture is still evident, looks kinda " burlap-ish" I don't feel that it fits in with the surrounding fabrics, as they are more plush and pleasing to the eye....
What happens when you hit a Thousand?Should I watch for Balloons?
i wrote about this image in the art forum, so i don't want to repeat how much i like it
let's concentrate on what i do not like then. the golden fabric is out of focuse in the upper right corner, and there is too much light on it. just by mere burning the upper right of the image would make it twice as lovely
It certainly is a "dark" image in every sense of the word.
Certainly one of the darkest images I have seen here in a long time.
I would leave it just as it is.
You have a great compostion here, I like how there are three areas to the image.
The red area, the gold and then the face.
It gives a lot for your eye to look at, and the way it is ordered gives a good flow through out the frame.
What made you want to do an image like this anyway?
What is the story behind?
Welcome to, I hope you learn as much as you can from here. I look forward to seeing more from you.
“A great photograph is one that fully expresses what one feels, in the deepest sense, about what is being photographed, and is, thereby, a true manifestation of what one feels about life in its entirety...” - Ansel Adams
Looking at this image I can say that I really hope that PR needs to learn from this artist as much as it can, not vice versa.
Originally Posted by mtbbrian
It certainly is a "dark" image in every sense of the word.
Certainly one of the darkest images I have seen here in a long time.
I would leave it just as it is.
You have a great compostion here, I like how there are three areas to the image.
The red area, the gold and then the face.
It gives a lot for your eye to look at, and the way it is ordered gives a good flow through out the frame.
What made you want to do an image like this anyway?
What is the story behind?
Welcome to, I hope you learn as much as you can from here. I look forward to seeing more from you.
What made you want to do an image like this anyway?
What is the story behind?
Welcome to, I hope you learn as much as you can from here. I look forward to seeing more from you.
-well.. i understand your curiosity about the reason for making this photograph, but i'm afraid my answer would spoil your impression
-i feel that this is kind of generic image, that tells different story to different person. even i myself have quite a few associations.
Irakly Shanidze[/B]]
the golden fabric is out of focuse in the upper right corner, and there is too much light on it. just by mere burning the upper right of the image would make it twice as lovely
you know.. i think i would try it.. and i think the title of something like "bedtime story" would also be more appropriate.
shesells, yeah! that's what i want to hear
Clicker, thanks! although, it was spontaneous shot and i didn't at all think about composition or textures. just trying to look at things in unconvenientional way
this has a great bizarro (cirque de Soleil) sort of feel to it...because it is more artsy than the standard fare here...I say it works great...although I would like to see a bit more saturation to the colors(maybe just at the edges for a vignette sort of effect...great mood, great textures, great composition, keeps me looking and wondering...welcome aboard.
"I was not trying to be shocking, or to be a pioneer.
I wasn't trying to change society, or to be ahead of my time.
I didn't think of myself as liberated, and I don't believe that I did anything important.
I was just myself. I didn't know any other way to be, or any other way to live.".
i really like this with some i agree that the gold sash in the upper right hand corner is too bright.but other than that,i think you did very well.