My first post here. I have my work ready to photograph for slides, for entries into Annual NC Photog. Juried Exhibition. In the past, we took our work and it was juried there. Now, they require slides. I am exasperated. The only place open today were drug stores. All I could get was Kodak Elite Chrome Film for slides, which is 200 and 400 (I got both). Dalight. So now what? I've done studio lighting when in school taking photog courses. But here I am at home with my deadline tomorrow! My work is fantastic and I have gotten into the exhibition for the three years that I have entered, surprisingly. These slides are going to ruin me! I didn't take the course involving portfolio photography.
I have an elarger and a copy stand,but with daylight film, I'm not using that. Do I get in a bright north window? It has cheesecloth like white curtains that diffuse light nicely. I know I should turn off all lighting. Meter with my camera up close to the subject, don't have the glass in the frames (black Neilssen gallery frames, matted, B&W photog, many hand-colored and toned). I know to bracket. Use a tripod and cable. Do I use flash? No? Should I rig up a reflector board ? Help. It's all due tomorrow. I can get the slides developed in an hour at a local camera store. I hate that I'm always last minute. But I always have great results. This is over my head (slides, even though I 've worked with them before, it was a different film).
I'm shooting ALL three rolls! do I put each framed photo on an art easel with a plain backdrop (fabric)? What color? Black? Grey? Help. Thanks.