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Ah manacsa I like this one..I like the way the vendor is animated and his expression...The motion blur of the people on the bottom left demonstrates its a busy place..
Falang dung nyai
Please don't edit my images without my permission.
Thanks for your opinion Jurgen. I took several shots at this angle but was one of the few shots where nobody was hindering him or he wasn't moving. He was very animated trying to push his deals and a 1/6 shutter was making him blurry.
Any other opinons out there, good or bad, will be appreciated....
This is pretty good. It's a good start. It's not quite working for me, though. I think you've got all the pieces of a great photo but they aren't quite assembled right. The exposure is a little bright - note the overexposed sky are in the upper left and details in the stalls that are blown out. I like the blurred people but I would blur them a lot more. I might even try to get the vendor to cooperate and pose for me. I also think I'd shoot at a slightly lower angle to move the shoppers up a bit in the frame.
Good eye, though. Can you shoot it again? That's a great location and I think you're well on your way to a very nice, finished image.
I don't think I can shoot it again anytime soon. We only shop in downtown Los Angeles like twice a year but there are people doing this whenever we go there so I'll try again down the road.
I'll keep trying to broaden my imagination when I'm faced with an opportunity. I only thought of this angle at the time when I should've tried imagination and/or just too excited on my part.
Always think about and experiment with different angles. Moving just a couple of feet can change a photo dramatically. In this case, you could have moved the different pieces to make a much more compact composition.